Juanis Manati

∘ She/Her ∘ Argentina ∘ 20 ∘ AsexualπŸ–€πŸ©ΆπŸ’œπŸ€ ∘
∘ Admin BenchGraphia ∘ Admin BenchTrioLB ∘

Antes de seguirme!

∘ Twitteo en inglés y español indistintamente ∘
∘ Doy me gusta a arte aunque sea de fandoms que no sigo ∘ Soy introvertida ∘ Si te molesto, bloquéame ∘ Me quejo mas de la vida que otra cosa ∘ A veces escribo historias ∘ Leo fanfics ∘ Soy indecisa ∘ Seguirme = Confianza para interactuar ∘ No sé resumir ∘ Indicadores de tono son muy apreciados ∘ No me meto en bardos ∘


∘ 911 ∘ QSMP/MCYT ∘

No me sigas si...

∘ Odias a alguien que yo sigo/staneo ∘
∘ Sos Homofic@, Transfobic@, Racista, etc ∘
∘ No queres que interactúe con vos ∘
∘ No respetas pronombres ∘

Lista de Stans!

∘ Philza ∘ Tubbo ∘ Aimsey ∘ Quackity ∘ Good Kid ∘
∘ Fish In A Birdcage ∘ Ed Sheeran ∘ AJR ∘ Poor Mans Poison ∘

Before you follow!

∘ I tweet in English and Spanish indistinctly ∘ I'm ok with They/Them pronouns ∘ I like art even if it's from a fandom I'm not part of ∘ I'm an introvert ∘ If I bother you, block me ∘ I complain more about life than anything else ∘ Sometimes I write stories ∘ I read fanfics ∘ I am indecisive ∘ Follow me = Confidence to interact ∘ I don't know how to summarize ∘ Tone indicators are very much appreciated ∘ I don't get into fights and drama ∘


∘ 911 ∘ QSMP/MCYT ∘

Don't follow if...

∘ You hate someone I follow/stan/like ∘
∘ You are homophobic, transphobic, racist, etc. ∘
∘ You don't want me to interact with you ∘
∘ You do not respect pronouns ∘

Stan List!

∘ Philza ∘ Tubbo ∘ Aimsey ∘ Quackity ∘ Good Kid ∘
∘ Fish In A Birdcage ∘ Ed Sheeran ∘ AJR ∘ Poor Mans Poison ∘